We, the Catholic Church of the Incarnation in the Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg, share in the Mission of Christ Jesus on the West Coast of Florida, that Mission being the glorification of the Father through the Son and in the Holy Spirit.
Have You Been Confirmed yet?
As Catholics … the three sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are what are required to become fully initiated into the Church. If you are 18 or older and have never been Confirmed, this might be your blessed day.
Incarnation will be having Adult Confirmation classes beginning February 4th in English.
If you are interested, please call Deacon Matt at 813-884-3624 Monday-Thursday for more info and to set up a meeting with him.
All are welcome! Bring the family! Catholics will receive a Plenary Indulgence from Pope Francis for participating in the Opening Mass and completing the normal prayers and practices. Bishop Gregory Parkes has announced a new date for the Diocesan Opening Mass of the Jubilee Year of Hope: Saturday, January 25, 2025, at 4 p.m., at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle. All are welcome for this solemn celebration! If you arrive by 3:45, you can join a procession near the main entrance where we will venerate the cross for the Jubilee Year and enter the church together.
Those unable attend in person can pray along via livestream at www.dosp.org/livestream, Facebook.com/DioStPete, or YouTube.com/DioceseofStPete. The Mass will also be broadcast live on Spirit FM 90.5.
Reminder that this Sunday the Faith Formation classes will be attending 11:00am Mass. Pick up for students is in the church after Mass. Parents must pick them up.
Communion and Confirmation: Those preparing for Reconciliation have another mandatory meeting this Saturday, January 25th at 10:00am in St. Michael’s Hall and will be completing Reconciliation next month. Please keep all those receiving Reconciliation for the first time as well as our Confirmandi, in your prayers at this special time.
Our next workshop for those receiving Confirmation, is February 19th at 6pm. Please meet in the Church. We will begin with Confessions and then we will end in St. Michael’s Hall.